1st Newsletter
1st Newsletter
The project “Certification of Authenticity and Development of a Promotion Network olive products in the across border GREECE-ITALY area” , with the acronym AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET is funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020 Programme with a total budget of 875.000,00 EUR.
Chamber of Commerce of Preveza will lead the project partnership, composed of the Region of Western Greece, the Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”, the Assoproli Bari agricultural cooperative society and the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia. The overall objective of AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET is to establish an Innovation Network in the Olive sector in order to develop and offer to local olive oil companies innovative & global authenticity certification methods, tools, structures, and services. In detail, the project aims at development of common structures and procedures to certify the authenticity of olive products in programme area. Moreover, project contribute to promote and encourage of cooperation – networking of companies in the olive sector, Chambers,
Research Institutes, and Regional Competent Authorities. Finally, target implementation of innovative ICT tools to improve the competitiveness and extroversion of the olive sector companies.
The project will last 24 months, from February 28.2019 to February 28.2021.
The expected results are:
- A Platform with the samples’ physicochemical analyzes data,
- Support 50 SMEs to implement the developed authenticity certification system
- A register of certified authentic olive oil products and producers,
- Strengthening the links between 50 SMEs of olive sector, 2 Local Chambers, 1 Research Center, 1 high-tech olive association and 1 Regional Public Authority & increase their cross border networking & co-operation capacity
- 50 SMEs of olive sector will aware research and innovation
- 50 agro-food SMEs will cooperate actively with Research Institutions
- 50 agro-food SMEs that will access external sources of information know how and technology
- Development of human resources, by improving the business skills of olive product’s producers, employees, relevant staff of Chambers, Confederations/Cooperatives and Local Authorities.
Target Groups:
- SMEs’ representative organizations
- SMEs involved in the olive oil sector
- Olive oil producers
- Regional Public Authorities
- Farmers
- Consumers
- Research Institutes
- Certification bodies
- General public
- Clusters in other related sectors
- Scientists/researchers in the fields of agro-food sector
- National Ministries
- European Commission Directorates / Agencies
The kick-off-meeting of the project “AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET – Certification of Authenticity and Development of a Promotion Network olive products in the across border GREECE-ITALY area”, co-funded by the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme 2014-2020, was held on 20 and 21 June 2019 at the headquarter of Chamber of Commerce of Preveza, in Preveza.
At the meeting attended all partners of Project and also the Info Point Officer – Joint Secretariat of Programme Interreg V-A Greece-Italy from Ioannina Mrs Chrisa Nikou and Joint Secretariat Project officer with Administrative and Legal profile from Bari Mr Francesco Cuddemi who emphasized the importance of Project AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET for the regional development of whole of the common cross-border region. Moreover, Mr Cuddemi presented the main legal administrative and management rules and procedures of the programme Interreg V-A Greece-Italy.
Panagiotis Katsaris, from Hellinic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”, Agronomist Biotechnologist, presented the organization. He analyzed WP3: Certification tools & procedures of
the authenticity. Specifically, he presented the tools & analysis and methods that will be used for the project. Furthermore, he mentioned the development of authenticity certification standard of olive oil products and the training tools which will be used.
Angela Abrescia, from ASSOPROLI, presented the organization and their activities. She presented their suggestions about WP4. e- Networking Platform and e- Promotion Platform (D 4.X.1) that it will be developed to promote the “basket of Authentic Olive Products” to final customers.
Despoina Karasoulou, from Region of Western Greece, presented the local products of Region of Western Greece and she emphasized the use of the agricultural sector. Also, she mentioned the WP5 “Authentic-Olive-Net Network” and the WP6 “Activities outside of eligible area”.
Giuseppe Longo, from Foggia Chamber, he presented the position of Foggia, their economy and their attainments. Furthermore, he informed the partner’s about their expertise. Finally, he presented their local products and their types.
The kick-off meeting continued with the presentations from Preveza Chamber based on various aspects of the project:
- Detailed presentation of the Project
- Communication Aspects
- Managerial Aspects
- Budgeting & Financial Aspects
Preveza Chamber is a Public Entity was founded in 1994. The purpose of the Chamber is the protection and development of trade, industry, crafts, and professions in the Prefecture of Preveza Chamber operates the local Business Registry, which has obligatory fees and has 4.746 15,000 members, most of which are SMEs. It is supervised but not subsidized by the Ministry of Development.
The Region of Western Greece consists of three Regional Units: Achaia, Ileia and Aitoloakarnania.
The rural sector (Agriculture, Livestock farming, Fishing, Forestry) is one of the most important and basic pillars of Region’s growth and development.
Olives and olive oil, various vegetables (especially strawberries that are mainly exported), dairy products like feta, honey, wines and many other traditional delicacies are just a glimpse of the treasures that Western Greece offers.
Hellenic Agricultural Organisation “DEMETER” is agriculture Research Institute in Greece, with a great research experience & knowhow in the field. PB3 aims to promote research & innovation in the agriculture sector, to improve production processes, to certificate agriculture products, to establish and certificate good agricultural practices. Also, its core mission is the scientific and technical support of the Ministry of Rural Development & Food in the design and support the implementation of policy under the Common Agricultural Policy.
Assoproli is a producer organization in Italy which has 16.700 olives producers, 14 cooperative oil mills, 1 chemical laboratory (iso 17025), 1 tasting panel group (iso 17025), 10 agronomists, 1 head office located in Bari, 1 operational headquarters located in Andria and 1 conference room located in Andri.
The Chamber of Commerce of Foggia is a independent public body that supports and promotes the general interest of companies. Helps and encourages the entrepreneurial formation, offers benefit, credit inducements and business financing innovation and technology transfer, promotion and diffusion of e- commerce environmental protection infrastructure development and valorization of territory resources.
Project is co-funded by European Union, European Regional Development Funds (E.R.D.F.) and by National Funds of Greece and Italy.
This Newsletter reflects the author’s views; the Interreg Europe programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
MSc Data Driven Computing & Decision Making
Enthusiastic person with a solid experience in programming, always curious about technology advancements and innovation, and dedicated in creating value for users, customers and society. Willing to engage into new opportunities in collaborative environments and eager to contribute to various projects and challenges.
Anastasios is currently doing his MSc in Data Driven Computing & Decision Making at the University of Patras. Through his MSc, he wants to facilitate our societies leverage innovative technologies.