4th Newsletter
4th Newsletter

The main aim of the project AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET is the establishment of an Innovation Network in the Olive Sector among Chambers, SMEs’ Associations, Research Institutes & Regional Authorities, in order to develop & offer to local olive oil companies innovative & integrated authenticity certification methods, tools, structures, and services.
The e Networking platform of AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET project promotes the dialogue and cooperation. Through the platform you can post contact details, a short description of your proposal, request, intention and type of cooperation that you want, you can exchange your ideas and information with the other members.
You have the ability to access in the AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET e-networking platform through the website of the project: https://interreg-authentic-olive-net.eu/
AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET project created a common Basket of Extra Virgin Olive Oils from the common Cross-Border Area GREECE – ITALY with high quality and nutritional characteristics.
These selected olive oils come from 5 local varieties: Coratina (IT), Favolosa FS-19 (IT), koroneiki (GR), Lianolia (GR) and Peranzana (IT) and have marked with the “Authentic Olive Net Seal”, after their certification during the pilot implementation of the Common Value System developed within the project.
All the products are produced with the use of environmentally friendly olive farming & plant protection technics and advanced olive oil manufacturing methods.
You have the ability to access in the AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET e-promotion platform through the website of the project: https://interreg-authentic-olive-net.eu/

to be informed about the Extra Virgin Olive Oils according the fruitiness type, the region of origin, the gastronomic combination, the olive variety, the packaging etc.
Chamber of Foggia organized in collaboration with Assoproli Bari on 19-20-21/05/2021 training seminars in which the participants attended useful information on the following topics:
- Internationalisation tools and the use of social networks in the customer acquisition, and sales process.
- Innovative production methods to enhance the typicality of local products.
- In-depth analysis of organoleptic aspects and correlation with chemical-physical characteristics.
In the last two training modules a Tasting Kit was used consisting of 4 oil samples, for a guided tasting with the panel of Assoproli Bari.

Chamber of Preveza due to the pandemic organized from 27/07/2021 to 30/07/2021 a seminar through an electronic training platform that included the following sections:
– Short presentation of AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET project
– Conceptual approach of the Authenticity of Agricultural Products and certification methods.
– The existing framework and certification procedures for olive oils in Greece and Italy
– The olive oil authentication system developed in the AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET project
– Presentation of the 1st Pillar – Origin
– Presentation of the 2nd Pillar – Production Methods and Cultivation Techniques
– Presentation of the 3rd Pillar – Quality / Chemical Analysis / Sensory Methods
– The Common Values and Criteria to ensure the authenticity of olive oils
– Small taste training
The project partners organized promotional events where they guided the participants in a tasting session through which they learned about the organoleptic characteristics of local olive oils, some of which belong to the Authentic Olive Basket Products, and how to recognize quality as consumers.
13/06/2021 and 18/06/2021
The Municipalities of Sammichele di Bari and Bitetto, members of “La Merenda nell’Oliveta” organised by the Association: “The Oil Towns”, were the stages chosen by ASSOPROLI Bari for the promotion of extra virgin olive oil within the Authentic- Olive – Net project.

The Chamber of Foggia on 24/06/2021 organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Trinitapoli and the “Merenda in oliveta” of the cooperative “Città dell’olio” event “Tastes of extra virgin olive oil” at Parco degli Ipogei – Trinitapoli. The activity promoted the quality of the project oils referred to in the AON project through targeted meetings with both producers and consumers, including through guided tastings and promotion with typical local products.

Preveza Chamber and the Public Vocational Training Institute of Preveza organized jointly event titled: “Training & Olive Oil” in the framework of the project: “AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET”.
Many students and trainers attended with great interest the event organized at the premises of the Institute, as Thematic Interactive Workshop.

Promotional events of Chamber of Foggia in collaboration with the abroad Italian Chambers of Commerce.
Chamber of Foggia organized events in close collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Germany. During 12 July – 15 July 20121 in on line meetings, German buyers were informed about the extra virgin olive oils participating in the AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET project.
Chamber of Foggia organized on 28-31/07/2021 two tasting sessions dedicated to the Lyonnais consumers: the first in a supermarket of BIO products and the second at 30 exclusive tables of the best Italian restaurant in Lyon.

A Masterclass was organized by Chamber of Foggia at the Torremaggiore Castle, in the province of Foggia, for Swiss bloggers, influencers and importers. The event through the support of the Italian Chamber of Commerce for Switzerland, with the aim to inform about the territory, the culture and the gastronomy having as a leitmotif the extra
virgin olive oil and its importance in the Mediterranean diet. Following the event on 30 August, B to B meetings were held with Swiss buyers, thanks to the support of the Chamber of Commerce for Switzerland.

An event was held by Chamber of Foggia, in collaboration with the Italian Chamber of Commerce for France in Lyon, for the promotion and enhancement of two native olive oil cultivars of the Dauno territory belonging to the Authentic Olive Net project (Coratina and Peranzana).
Chamber of Foggia organized an event which was dedicated to the enhancement of EVO oil (Peranzana and Coratina) was organized in 5 highlevel Italian restaurants in Copenhagen, which offered to all customers a tasting of extra virgin olive oils of the selected companies (distributed equally among the participating restaurants). The
event was held with the collaboration of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Denmark.

With the support of Promos Italia, the national agency of the chamber system that supports Italian companies in their internationalization processes, the Foggia Chamber of Commerce has organized events in Japan to promote AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET and extra virgin olive oil.
Parga 22/08/2021 & Preveza 23/08/2021
Preveza Chamber organized Local Olive Oil Events in Parga on 21/08/2021 and in Preveza on 22/08/2021 aiming at the promotion of the extra virgin olive oils produced from local varieties in the common cross-border area of GREECE-ITALY, via the local gastronomy.
Parga 22/08/2021

Preveza 23/08/2021

Preveza 18/12/2021
A promotion event took place in the event hall of “Margarona Royal Hotel”, in Preveza, titled: “Olive oil Tourism a promising form of alternative tourism in Preveza”.
The event organized as a symposium by Preveza Chamber.
Mrs. Sofia Zacharaki, Deputy Minister of Tourism participated in the event as the official guest taking the chance to talk with all local tourism stakeholders on issues related to the current state of tourism, but also on the prospects for development of alternative forms of tourism in the region in link with the agriculture sector, and especially based on olive oil.

Chamber of Preveza organized on 04/08/2021 an online open information event in which the main actions and the results of the project were presented and the main results of the pilot implementation for the certification of the authenticity of the olive oils that took place within the project.
The Chamber of Foggia organized an event in collaboration with the Municipality of Mattinata on 26/06/2021 at Frantoio Le Monache. During the event, a representative of the Chamber of Commerce spoke about extra virgin olive oil, its chemical and physical characteristics, and tasting sessions were planned as a starting point and knowledge of the characteristics of the oil. A meeting was also held with producers to identify their specific needs and the needs of the oil sector.