3rd Newsletter
3rd Newsletter
The 2nd collection of oil samples was carried out by the Chamber of Preveza (Lead Partner), by the Region of Western Greece as well as by the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia. The collected samples were sent for organoleptic analysis to the partner Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER” on the part of the Greek partners and to ASSOPROLI on the part of the Italian partner for physico-chemical analysis.
Project Partners have developed the trademark entitled “Authentic Olive Net Seal”. This specific trademark is a private label and will be awarded only to Greek and Italian producers of Extra Virgin Olive Oils in the across border GREECE – ITALY area.
Awarding Body of the “Authentic Olive Net Seal” in Greece will be the Commercial Chamber of Preveza.
Quality Control Body will be the Hellenic Agricultural Organization “DEMETER”, which will run all quality controls of the applicant olive oil producers.
Likewise, Awarding Body of the “Authentic Olive Net Seal” in Italy will be the Commercial Chamber of Foggia.
The purpose of the “Authentic Olive Net Seal” is to consolidate consumer confidence in the products declared to come from the across border GREECE –
ITALY area and to protect the interests of producers from counterfeiting and unfair competition, as well as to strengthen the competitiveness of the producers.
The Seal of Authenticity “Authentic Olive Net Seal” is
based on three pillars, namely “Origin”, “Production Methods” and “Quality”, which together establish a system of common assessment principles and a recommended methodology approach.
“Authentic Olive Net Seal” will be awarded on a pilot basis only after conformity checks of all set standards, including all necessary specifications, requirements and procedures, νthat will result to a positive evaluation of the applicant olive oil producers.
The award of this trademark is a prerequisite for the inclusion of olive oil producers in the “Basket of Authentic Olive Products in the across border GREECE – ITALY area”, which is a common catalogue of all olive oils, to which will be awarded the trademark entitled “Authentic Olive Net Seal”.
The 2nd project technical meeting of the project “AUTHENTIC-OLIVE-NET – Certification of Authenticity and Development of a Promotion Network olive products in the across border GREECEITALY area”, was held on 29 May 2020 at the
headquarter of Chamber of Commerce of Preveza, via teleconferencing and was attended by all Project Partners: Chamber of Commerce of Preveza (EL), Region of Western Greece (EL), ELGO Demeter (EL), ASSOPROLI and the Chamber of Commerce of Foggia as well as Mrs Elena Giannopoulou, Mrs Carmela Sfregola and Mr Gianfranco Gadaleta who are Project officer of the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy
During the meeting discussed numerous issues from which were the promotional activities that have been completed and promoted from the social media of the project and simultaneously from its website as well as the creation of the printed information – promotional material. Furthermore, discussed the activities required to be certified for the authenticity of the olive oil related to the Olive Processing Techniques for the production of olive oil as well as the actions required to create the basket of authentic products.
Apart from this, there was a discussion regarding the implementation of the training seminars of the interested parties as well as the creation of the electronic νπromotion platform (e-promotional platform) and the electronic networking platform (enetworking platform). Finally, there was a discussion about the participation of corporate groups in exhibitions and promotional events.
The 3rd project technical meeting of the project was held on 16th November 2020 via teleconferencing in νwhich participated all partners as well as Mrs Elena νGiannopoulou and Mr Gianfranco Gadaleta who are Project officer of the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy Programme.
During the meeting were discussed a variety of issues from which were all activities that have been completed from all partners and activities that must be complete by them.
Preveza Chamber of Commerce
Representatives of the Preveza Chamber contacted producers and companies in order to inform them about the implementation of the program and to encourage them for the 2nd sampling of oil to be collected in order to be submitted to the next stages of chemical and organoleptic analyzes by company decision.
Chamber of Commerce of Foggia
During 2020, a visit was made to the main players of the olive oil production chain in the province of Foggia to raise awareness of the values of the “Authentic Olive Net”. It was also an opportunity to promote and encourage the taking of samples to be submitted to the next stages of chemical and organoleptic analyzes. The activity was carried out directly by the technical staff of Lachimer, the special company of the Foggia Chamber of Commerce.
Project is co-funded by European Union, European Regional Development Funds (E.R.D.F.) and by National Funds of Greece and Italy.
This Newsletter reflects the author's views; the Interreg Europe programme authorities are not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
MSc Data Driven Computing & Decision Making
Enthusiastic person with a solid experience in programming, always curious about technology advancements and innovation, and dedicated in creating value for users, customers and society. Willing to engage into new opportunities in collaborative environments and eager to contribute to various projects and challenges.
Anastasios is currently doing his MSc in Data Driven Computing & Decision Making at the University of Patras. Through his MSc, he wants to facilitate our societies leverage innovative technologies.